Make Technology Your Business’ Competitive Advantage

Transform your core proposition into a tech-powered offering with undeniable market fit. The kind that has customers never wanting to switch and your valuation leaping tenfold. And more.

How we’ve helped the businesses we work with


Measurable improvements in business valuation.


Measurable improvements in revenue driven by targeted technological product and service offerings.


In investment secured for clients as a result of technological innovation.


Technology delivery success rate on every project entirely led by us.

Where Technology Leads to DEEPER Market Fit

Deeply understand your customer

The best decisions are made through quality research and strategic insights.

This is why we focus on getting to intimately understand your market, your target personas and their actual needs before a single piece of technology is implemented.

Grow your valuation

Turn market insight into real valuable IP and reach a 3-20x valuation multiplier.

With £100m+ in collective valuation increases and years of experience under our belt, our tried and proven process will help leap forward your company's value.

What's the secret

We Think Business First. Always.

We are business people first, technology people second. We work with you like a cofounder to figure out what actually matters. And only once an opportunity and tech proposition is identified, do we start working closely with our clients to execute on delivering on that tech opportunity. So your business achieves significant valuation growth.

At the start of every engagement we take our clients through 5 stages to ensure we’re working to build something that actually matters to their customers and business.

Stage 1: Spark

We start with your why. Because whatever inspires a refresh tends to be the main driving force for the lifetime of the business.

Stage 2: Market Validation

We validate every idea and feature so you can avoid joining the swamp of "genius ideas" that spent millions and achieved no market response.

Stage 3: Customer-Oriented Control

We define what the customer thinks your purposes and design controls that get everyone focused on what matters.

Stage 4: Ever-Improving System

We continuously study, design and redesign to ensure market integration, valuation growth and relevance continue to head in the right direction.

Stage 5: Technology (Finally)

We combine technology with market validation to build your competitive advantage.

We’re not for everyone and we’ll be the first to tell you that. If the following describes you then we’re probably not the right fit for you. And that’s okay.

  • You’re just looking for a developer or firm to build something for you without carrying out any validation.
  • You’re not looking to transform your business into a tech-driven business.
  • You’re still building early-stage revenue and not looking to invest in technology.
  • You're happy with your current market position and valuation and not looking to grow it further (you’d be surprised how many people say this)

You absolutely can, we believe every established business should have technical minds in its team. If you know your product or service idea will get a market response, you are certain that you can get them to build that idea correctly, and you get a good CTO to oversee things, then hiring in-house developers might be the best route for you.

The thing to watch out for with developers is that they will not engage well on the business side, and will be more focused on technical matters.

They also generally do not like to speak to your customers directly, so they won’t bear customer needs in mind when writing code — which can lead to them delivering what you asked for, not what you needed.

Of course, we’d love to hear about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure what your next step is. No pitch, no strings attached.

Let's Chat

Ready to explore transforming into a tech-driven business and grow your valuation?

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